A1Class Paperwork & Documentation
A1Class have provided the paperwork and documentation for our customers. This is to show we’re qualified and Insured to complete the work provided on this website. Click on the images below to view the official company paperwork.
Who we support – Our local community Sponsorship & Charity of choice.
As well as all our customers, we support a great local charity Breast Cancer Kent who uses the money raised for research and development, new equipment and many other things in support of those with Breast Cancer in Kent.
This charity is close to our hearts as they treated a member of our family and staff. We pledge to make a small donation from every job to this worthy cause and we welcome any further donations however small from our amazing clients.
We are all about supporting other small businesses and local community projects. We believe in the importance of Grassroots Football for all abilities and so A1Class have chosen to sponsor Greenways Aces U10’s, U11s & U12’s football teams for the past 3 seasons running.
In addition, we donated and fitted a kitchen to the club’s cafe and we volunteered in the club’s welfare officer position for 3 years. Aces are a great grassroots club who offer training 2 times a week and matches on Sunday. This is all offered at a very reasonable cost for boys and girls. So, if you have a budding footballer at home reach out to https://greenwaysaces.co.uk/
Terms and conditions
“When a client would like to proceed with an estimate, we send out an acceptance of estimate forming the contract. Both the customer and A1Class agree to abide by accompanying Terms and Conditions, which are readily available to view and we actively encourage you to read.“
Our Covid Statement:
Our company is open for business, A1 Class observe safety measures in accordance with current government guidelines. To ensure your safety and ours we operate on a best practice basis, observing the 2-metre distance rules and we will carry hand sanitizer and masks when carrying out face-to-face estimates. In the first instance, the majority of our estimates will be carried out remotely. Contact us using our online form, giving us details of your project.
If you would like to send us photo’s or diagrams, please mention this in the text and we will respond allowing you to do so. If an estimate cannot be carried out remotely by messages, WhatsApp, photos or video call then we will arrange a mutually safe and convenient appointment. Please use the link below which confirms the government position for construction workers.
Meet The Team
Our company is a small family-run outfit. We are proud that all of our staff whether paid or voluntary are all members of our family. The team consists of Mark, the Master carpenter & company director. Linda – our office manager, our admin team, Don & Jenny – who field our calls while we work on your projects.
Other subcontractors and qualified tradesmen we work alongside on a regular basis are our qualified electrician and gas engineer Seyhan & Mark, our plasterers, Kevin & Jake and our painter John. We also wouldn’t be without our labourers Alan & Alan.